Title | The Complete Bolivian Diaries of Ché Guevara, and Other Captured Documents |
Author | Che Guevara |
Subject | Guevara, Che, -- 1928-1967 -- Diaries. Guevara, Che, -- 1928-1967. Bolivia -- History -- 1938-1982. |
Keyword | Guevara, Che, -- 1928-1967 -- Diaries. Guevara, Che, -- 1928-1967. Bolivia -- History -- 1938-1982. |
Call No. | B- 972.91064092 GUE |
Year | 1970 |
Pages | 330 |
ISBN | UOM:39015027998981 |
Book Availability | Yes |
Date Added | 2021-07-08 |